Noah Harharha
“It's been beautifull to meet myself in dance. And not just to improvise but to be moved”
Lotte Huysmans
“I feel gratefull that I get the opportunity to learn using my dance in a ritual frame. It's a tradition that we forgot. I got aware that is a very basic thing of life and it feels so important to learn how to create them again”
Amalie Vilslev Juelsgaard
“The workshop has for me been an important possibility to reflect on the potential of contemporary rituals, and to explore my own dance and images within this. A possibility to build of strength, allowing me to embrace what I meet in life”
Beatrijs Deneckere
“It feels good to connect your own intuitive dance with rituals as if your body recognizes something ancestral, something long forgotten that we restore again. Through dancing rituals I found more understanding of patterns in my life”
Camillo Ricordi
Director of the University of Miami Diabetes Research Institute
“It is with the highest degree of enthusiasm that I join the VID initiative, which I consider a timely and critically important initiative that could leave to new paradigm shifts in our understanding of biologic systems, at the cross-road of the physical Universe with the living world”
Ervin Làslò
2001 Goi Peace prize - 2005 Mandir of Peace Prize
“The VID initiative is at the avant-garde of one of the most fascinating and important research endeavours to connect biological healing process, in particular of vibratory nature. I expect important insights to result from this multifaceted interdisciplinary arts & science exploration”
GianGuido Rizzotto
Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) - Academician of the International Informatization Academy (UN-ECOSOC)
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency amd vibration — Nikolas Tesla”
Milford Graves
American Jazz drummer and percussionist
“By concretely coordinating the elusive and formles concept of music and art with the analytical methods of science, the VID project exeplifies what is required to initiate new intuitive innovations for obtaining a higher tate of humna consciousness and enhancement of bio-physiological functions”
Pier Mario Biavia
“I am very happy to work with you in this fascinating initiative”
William Du Vall
Singer, songwriter, guitarist
“in my view, the VID initiative is easily one of the most exciting things going on in contemporary science. This work is potentially game-changing”
Giovanni Del Casale
“La musica e l'arte sono con il principio e si rinnovano continuamente.”
Costanza Failla
“Un'esperienza multisensoriale e sinestetica, dove il corpo e la mente hanno viaggiato dall'infinitamente piccolo alle altre dimensioni invisibili. I cuori ringraziano.”
Alessandra Alifano
“Un alone sinestetico, pulsatile, curativo.”
Marcella Brizzi
“Calore, suono che unisce, armonia e ritmo, benessere, salute dell'anima e delle cellule. Grazie di cuore!”